President's Award for Service Excellence, 2022
VIU Career Achievement Award: June Karstad, Office Manager/Financial Aid Assistant, Cowichan campus.
Leadership and Innovation Award: Roisin Mulligan, Manager of Research Development
Early Career Impact / Emerging Leader Award: Sara LaMarre, Counselling Technician, Mental Health Strategies
Exemplary Team(work) Award: Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning led by Maxwell Stevenson with Anwen Burk, Bill Roberson, Elodie Button, Jacqueline Kirkham, Jenna Auringer, Kathleen Bortolin, Meara Kimball, Raul Campos, Tine Reimers, Curriculum, Sylvie Lafreniere
Overall Service Excellence: Patricia Elliott, Director of Employee Relations
President's Award for Service Excellence, 2021
VIU Career Achievement Award: Fred Jacklin, University Registrar
Leadership and Innovation Award: Co-recipients Kristine Monk, Manager, Office of the Provost; Arwen Schewe, Client Services Manager ITS
Early Career Impact / Emerging Leader Award: Kendra Stiwich, Student Research Engagement Coordinator
Exemplary Team(work) Award: Library Public Services team led by Lara Wright with Colin Ballard, Jenn Bolstler, Annie Smith, Liz Laidlaw and Joanne Fulton
Overall Service Excellence Award: Agia Doering, Coordinator, Enrolment Services and Operations
President's Award for Service Excellence, 2020
Service Excellence Award for Leadership and Innovation: Tina McComb, Director for the Centre for Experiential Learning
Service Excellence Award for Early Career Impact / Emerging Leader: Scott Townend, Information Technology Service Desk Analyst
Service Excellence Award for Exemplary Team(work): Financial Aid & Awards team led by Jennifer Jensen-Richards with Holly Cyr, Angela Meneghetti, Kristin Smart, Lindsay Hornberger and Audrey Dubyna
Overall Service Excellence: Suzanne Armour, Financial Assistant for the Faculty of Health & Human Services