aerial photo of the campus in the fall season

Pension Information

VIU has two pension plans for employees, the Municipal Pension Plan and the College Pension Plan, through the BC Pension Corporation. In Human Resources, the Benefits Coordinator assists with Purchase of Service and Transfer of Service Applications.

If you are wanting to purchase back service for time on a leave, or transfer pension from a previous plan into your current pension plan with VIU, please visit the respective pension plan site from the options below:

College Pension Plan Members

Available to eligible Administrative, BCGEU and VIUFA employees.

Visit Learning Resources - College to learn more about your college pension—whether you're new to the plan, in the middle of your career, nearing retirement or retired.

Municipal Pension Plan Members

Available to eligible CUPE members. 

Visit Learning Resources - Municipal to learn more about your municipal pension—whether you're new to the plan, in the middle of your career, nearing retirement or retired.

Once you have located and filled out the appropriate form, please email the for next steps.


Thinking of retiring? Both pension plans offer a plethora of resources including live and recorded sessions for retirement specific questions. Visit your pension plans website and select Learning Resources to view these webinars and articles. As well, VIU does host retirement sessions held by the BC Pension Corporation specifically for VIU employees each year, so keep an eye out for these sessions in the VIU Digest.

Contact Us

For more information or general inquiries, please contact:, confidential Fax: 250.740.6605