What is Space Planning?
Vancouver Island University’s Space Planning Committee (SPC) serves as a decision making body regarding institutional space and reports to the Senior Management Team (SMT). The Space Planning Committee has overall responsibility for monitoring, reviewing, assessing, and reporting on: space inventory, space requests, the allocation of space (owned and/or leased by the University), space utilization, and space planning associated with capital projects. The Space Planning Committee replaces the former Space Allocation Group (SAG) and has an expanded scope to include all space allocation.
The mandate of the Space Planning Committee is:
- To apply the principles and provisions pertaining to the administration of space, in accordance to the University’s strategic priorities and as contained in University policies, guidelines, standards, and procedures, in making recommendations on new space requirements and on the allocation, re-allocation, or disposal of existing space.
- To advise on the priorities of space needs related to major space planning and allocation initiatives (e.g. new buildings, renovations greater than 1000sqf, etc.,) that can be affordably satisfied, and ensure that they are aligned with the Campus Master Plan and VIU Strategic Plan.
- To advise on aspects of space allocation and utilization decisions, including amicable resolution of competition for space.
- To ensure that the process for decision-making and recommendations is transparent and inclusive.
- To support periodic reviews of existing allocations of space to meet the changing needs of the University and to ensure alignment with the University's strategic and operational plans.
- To ensure that alternatives to accommodation/space needs, where possible, have been considered and that those needs and their utilization can be validated if necessary.
- The Space Planning Committee evaluates Major Space Requests according to the process and criteria for the evaluation of space requests outlined in the Space Request Procedures document. Minor requests within existing allocations are determined by Deans and Directors.
- Ensure tracking and reporting processes are in place and adequately resourced.
Make a Request
Requests for assignment of new or additional space would be submitted using the Space Request Form. This form will provide the Space Planning Committee with information necessary to recommend a course of action.
Requests will be reviewed at the next available committee meeting. If additional information is required to make an informed decision, the Space Request Form will be discussed with the appropriate personnel.
If a request requires a physical modification, a copy of the form needs to be sent to Facilities, IT, Health & Safety Services (and any other appropriate person/s) for review and comment.