VIU Students Recreation at the Beach

Purchasing Cards (PCards)

Who manages VIU's PCard program? 

Effective August 2024, the administration and oversight of VIU's Purchasing Card (PCard) program has transitioned from the Procurement department to the Accounts Payable department. 

What is it?

A Purchasing Card is a US Bank Canada Visa card with special features required by VIU. Payment will be made by Accounts Payable and charged to the cardholder's work order(s).

Why use it?

With the exception of standing or "open" purchase orders, the purchasing card may be used for university purchases within your approved transaction limit (including taxes and exchange, if applicable). This program empowers you to get what you need, when you need it, at a reduced administration cost to the university.

Where can the purchasing card be used?

The Purchasing Card may be used at any business that accepts Visa. Remember, however, that you are committing university funds each time you use this card and you are personally responsible for accounting for these expenditures. There are restrictions on how the card may be used, which are detailed in the Purchasing Card manual. Cardholders may be extended travel use privileges by obtaining your Dean, Director, or Campus Administrator's approval.

Pro travel tip: if you are travelling for VIU business and are planning to use your PCard to pay for expenses in other countries, US Bank would appreciate a head's up regarding your travel plans. Please call them at the number below up to 90 days before you leave to reduce the likelihood of declined transactions during your trip. It may also be beneficial to make purchases by inserting your card and using your PIN (instead of tapping it) to reassure US Bank that it is you making the purchase and not someone else. 

How do I request a PCard?

First, read and understand the Purchasing Card manual. You will need to know the correct procedures to reconcile your purchases, where the card can and cannot be used, and other procedural matters. There is a Purchasing Card application form below. This must be completed, approved, and sent to Accounts Payable ( to obtain your card.

If you already have a PCard but it is not working, calling US Bank Canada Customer Service at 1.800.588.8065 is the quickest way to find out what's going on and resolve the problem. Alternatively, you can email and we will investigate and advise if we can resolve the problem or if you'll need to call US Bank Canada Customer Service.

Contact us

Enquiry type


Reconciliation approvals, new card requests, general enquiries, etc.

Lost or stolen cards, fraudulent transactions, declined transactions, PIN reset

(US Bank Canada Customer Service)


Nikki Van Horne, Senior AP Specialist

Alex Nowak, AP Manager


Activity-intake code update October 2024

Please note, beginning with the PCard cycle ending October 24, 2024, US Bank has been reset so that the only activity-intake codes the system will accept when you are reconciling your purchases are 100 General and 500 Capital. Please only use 500 if you are purchasing something capital that is going to an account beginning with 7. Otherwise, in all other situations, please use 100.