Purchasing Card Site Coordinators Manual

As your Department’s Purchasing Card Site Coordinator you will need to perform a few routine duties each month. Your prompt attention to these duties will be of great assistance to ensure this program works smoothly. We recommend that you plan to train an alternate person that can perform these duties when you are on holiday. Please involve the Plan Administrator with this task. The Site Coordinator will require access to a networked computer.

Monthly Duties

As soon as possible after the monthly pcard notification email is sent, gather up all the purchasing logs and receipts from the cardholders you are coordinating.

On receipt of the electronic billing file for these cardholders:

  • reconcile users log and receipts to the billing file, set aside and retain any receipts not yet billed for next month’s bill
  • adjust cost centre from default, if necessary
  • adjust taxes to agree with invoice(s)
  • print out each card holders bill and have it authorized
  • sort invoices in the same order as the bill print-out
  • send authorized bill, original receipts, and purchase log to Accounting
  • please complete this task no later than the deadline stated in the monthly email notification

That’s it!

Contact Plan Administrators at Local 6233 or 6659, Fax 250.740.6465, Email: ProcurementServices@viu.ca